Ultra Distance ranking rules

Registration Rules for ULTRA DISTANCE Races

  • The Ultra Distance race starts at 30 kilometers.
  • Only 14′ categories will be scored (if the number of unlimited board competitors increases in the races, we will prepare a separate ranking for them)
  • The minimum number of participants is 15 (girls and boys together)
  • The TOP 20 competitors in both categories (male/female) will be scored according to the general rules of SWR.
  • Only races where competitors are equipped with GPS tracking systems will be counted (in the first year of 2023, this is only a recommended requirement for the tracker)
  • Separate rankings for One-day and Multi-day races (One-day men /One-day women and Multi-day men / Multi-day women)
  • On races where results are announced every day and the distance exceeds 30 km (such as the SUP 11 City Tour), daily results will be on the Single-day list and final results on the Multi-day list.
  • At the end of the year, the points of the two types of competitors will be added up and a ULTRA DISTANCE SWR champion will be announced. Of course, separately for girls and boys.
  • Four factors will determine the points of the race:

          1, the total number of competitors,

          2, the number of kilometers traveled per day,

          3, the number of nations and

          4, prize money.

Component                                                  %           Min       Max

Number of  participant                            40               2             8

Daily kilometres travelled                       30              1.5          6

Number of participating nations             15            1.5          3

Prize money                                           15      0             3