Register an Event

Your name:

Your email:

Name of your event:


Date of the race:

What type of course, is your race?

How many people registered to your event?

How much was the prize money?

How many different nations were there in the race?

List of the TOP 10 women competitors. LD, TC, Sprint:

List of the TOP 20 men competitors. LD, TC, Sprint:

File upload:

– The event must have a total of at least 40 registered starters who finished the race, or the participation of competitors from a minimum of 7 different countries. Exceptions are the Ultra Long Distance endurance races over 30 kilometres , where the minimum number of competitors is 25.

( together with all category, with all registered racers)

– Only the 14″ foot hard race board category can be  placed in the rankings.

​- The top 20 men (at least 15 competitors are required ) and the top 10 female riders (at least   6 competitors are required ) get points.

​- After completing the race, the completed form must be returned in 72 hours (local time).

​- The organizer agrees that the information that he returns will be presented on our website