Individual results


2024. Bewl Water GBSUP (ld) - 4. place
2024. Gla Gla UK (ld) - 2. place
2023. SUP The Creek (ld) - 3. place
2023. British National Champs GBSUP (s) - 10. place
2023. British National Champs GBSUP (tr) - 6. place
2023. British National Champs GBSUP (ld) - 6. place
2023. Falmouth Bay Open GBSUP (s) - 9. place
2023. Bewl Water GBSUP (ld) - 3. place
2023. The Paddle Skedaddle (ld) - 2. place
2023. Head of the Dart SUP Challenge (ld) - 4. place
2023. Cardiff CIWW - GBSUP 2023 (ld) - 8. place
2023. Gla Gla UK (ld) - 3. place
2022. SUP the Creek 2022 (ld) - 7. place